Supporting The Community
To ensure that services remained for existing residents throughout construction, we temporarily relocated the community centre on the estate, so that the children’s nursery and other key services were maintained. The Hill team regularly consulted with residents and created a steering group to monitor the ongoing process of the regeneration.

Designing Energy Efficient Homes
The new development provides energy efficient accommodation, and we worked with all stakeholders from an early stage, including our client Network Homes, the resident steering group, council officers and members to agree the design. We also engaged with local residents via workshops, exhibitions and drop-in sessions. Hill, along with the project team, launched the final designs and models at the estate wide fun day, where we gained the full support of the local community.
The whole Hill team were a delight to work with. Queries were responded to and solutions always offered. Promises were delivered on and the relationship remained good throughout.
Successfully Received
Rectory Park has been highly praised by the CABE design council and the GLA for placing a strong focus on the design of landscaped spaces to complement the estate’s proximity to the neighbouring Northolt and Greenford Countryside Park and Northolt Golf Course.
The full project completed in July 2020, a full three months ahead of schedule despite Covid-19 restrictions.